What is One-click Payments? Allow returning customers to pay with just one click. Payments that do not require repeated banking detail entry are convenient for customers and increase revenues for your
What is Open Banking? Open Banking is a secure method of payment that allows third-party providers to access bank account data and initiate payments on behalf of customers. This has numerous benefits,
Online Payment Platform (OPP) is a leading, licensed C2C, B2C and B2B payment service provider specialised in platform and marketplace payments. OPP serves over 200 platforms and marketplaces across E
What is a true OMS for Unified Commerce? Unlike POS-based solutions, OIL is the omnichannel integration layer, ensuring that every piece of the retail ecosystem works together—beyond just in-store tra
A retail solution that exploits the potential of digital technology to radically improve In-Store performance. OneStore is a highly innovative and flexible retail software platform, which makes use of