Barry Panayi
Barry is the Chief Data and Insight Officer at John Lewis Partnership where he leads the data management, governance, analytics, research and data science teams for the group.
Prior to JLP Barry was Group Chief Data and Analytics Officer at Lloyds Banking Group and previously spent the majority of his early career at Ernst & Young helping to establish and lead the data and analytics practice and has subsequently headed up data and digital teams in organisations such as Bupa and Virgin.
Barry champions the power of data, not just for organisations but for society as a whole and has worked on numerous initiatives across both private and public sectors as well as promoting the importance of digital skills in our society.
Barry is also a Non-Executive Director at OFGEM, the UK's energy regulator, helping unlock the data and digital opportunity to help the UK achieve its ambitious energy and decarbonisation targets; and Reach Plc. the UK's largest commercial publisher.