PIS d.o.o. is a software company with 35 years of experience creating integral programming solutions (tailor-made software solutions) for achieving superb business results in the retail industry. Providing expertise in business consulting, customer support, IT infrastructure maintenance, as well as selling and leasing IT equipment for retail.
Our IPIS+ solution ensures simpler and more efficient management of business processes in retail, with its modularity, flexibility and integration. The application is constantly developed in accordance with the requirements of users, the market and technological innovations.
Join us at stand no. H98, where we will present the best of our IPIS+ retail module! Learn how can you customize your retail and discover all the functionalities that our solution offers.
Alongside our ERP and MIS solutions, we will be presenting our dashboard applications for real-time monitoring of traffic.
Make sure you don't miss the live demonstrations of our innovative mobileBOOM - a mobile application with which you can access your back-office wherever you are!
Viteziceva 2Zagreb