Vista Panorama

Vista Technology Support Stand: G55

Cost reduction, business efficiency, user and customer experience are all topics at the top of every retail and hospitality organisations agenda, however, traditional IT infrastructure is fragmented, when you add Cloud, SaaS, SD Wan, ISP’s into the mix which are technologies that are at the core of an organisations operation there is further fragmentation as these services are provided by a range of service providers each having their own individual contractual SLA’s.  

The problem with this service fragmentation is that until now there is has been no single owner of the end to end modern IT architecture it’s been left to IT departments and service desks to resolve the issues through a process of elimination, this often results in IT performance issues can being passed from service provider to service provider to investigate. All of which results in loss of productivity, data, confidence in the technology, poor colleague, and customer experience and ultimately loss of organisational profits. Introducing Vista Panorama, the beacon that highlights weaknesses in traditional physical and cloud IT infrastructure. Visit us at 'The View' to receive a demo.
