Social Media Check

First Advantage Stand: B65

What is it?

A social media check combs all publicly available information on the web, including news, online forums and social media.

What do I get?

When using our social media product, you’ll get a solution to enable you to make smarter hiring and management decisions. You will get: links to all social media profiles confirmed for the candidate; content of all posts that match search criteria; reasons, both positive and negative, for why a post has been flagged; links to all news and web items confirmed for the candidate; snippets of the contents of the articles; indicators for any flags appearing in the article. All of this is presented in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand social media report.

What are the benefits?

Get to know your candidate and if they will be a good fit for your company, before you make the hire. Mitigate the risk of a bad hire, or ensure you’re getting someone who’s the right fit for your business, by checking their behaviour online against your unique standards.
