Nuvei Stand: Theatre Sponsor, A60

Do business like a local

No matter where your customers are, Nuvei's FX solutions means that they can pay with their national currency while you get paid in yours.

Make the world your local marketplace

Whether your customers want to do business with you online or in-store, we make it easier to do business with and encourage return visits.

Multi-currency Pricing (MCP) | Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC / eDCC)



Multi-currency Pricing (MCP)

Price your goods and services in the world’s most popular currencies

According to Insider Intelligence’s Global eCommerce report, 92% of customers prefer to buy from sites that price items in their local currency.

Make buying simple and frictionless for customers while receiving settlement and reporting in your domestic currency.

  • Expand your business into new territories
  • Enhance existing customer relationships
  • Zero investment or infrastructure changes


Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC / eDCC)

Earn additional revenue from FX markup and attract more international customers

By offering customers pricing in their domestic currency, you can make card purchasing transparent and trustworthy while earning a percentage commission.

  • Attract more international customers
  • Protect cardholders against currency fluctuations
  • Available both online and in-store

