Criminal Record Checks

First Advantage Stand: B65

As the UK’s largest criminal record check provider we process over 650,000 applications every year. First Advantage offers all levels of UK criminal checks as registered / umbrella body  with Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), Disclosure Scotland (DS), and Access NI.  We offer basic, standard, and enhanced criminal record checks. In addition, for UK applicants who have lived or travelled abroad, we provide international criminal record checks.

First Advantage’s UK criminal record checking services provide our customers with the following features and benefits:

  • Digital ID verification services aligned with the UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework and DBS guidelines;
  • Access to the UK’s national Post Office branch network, for applicants who would prefer to visit a physical location to verify their ID
  • Self-service for applicant registration – Available on our KnowYourPeople platform
  • Integrated online payment mechanism which provides both our customers and their applicants with payment options – Available on our KnowYourPeople platform