Keynote Panel Discussion: Which Innovations In Customer Delivery Will Make Retailers Stand Out From The Crowd & Drive Loyalty?
Which new innovations should retailers be focussing on to reduce the time from order to delivery?
How is delivery changing as sustainability becomes more important to the retailer and customer?
How can retailers best embrace robot delivery and differentiate themselves?
Amazon has announced drone delivery in the UK to launch in 2024. How will this disrupt the retail delivery landscape?
What innovation lessons can the retail sector learn from the restaurant sector about delivery innovation?
Which innovations in customer communications throughout the delivery process are driving the most loyalty?
Will new innovations is Amazon Fulfilment bringing to the delivery table?
Which innovations in delivery are having the biggest impact on cost reduction?
How is the delivery from store trend changing the delivery landscape?
How is AI impacting the delivery landscape?
What efficiencies are we seeing through innovations in route planning for delivery?